7 healthier alternatives to junk food

Moneycontrol News

Dec 13, 2023

Instead of artificially sweetened beverages like packaged juice, try freshly-squeezed fruit juices. Although fresh fruit juices are still not as healthy as eating the whole fruit, they are a healthier alternative to carbonated and high-calorie beverages.

Instead of chips, try popcorn. Popcorn makes for a great high-fiber and low calorie snack. But make sure you skip the butter and salt when you make popcorn.

Instead of chocolate, try dark chocolate. Consumed in moderation, dark chocolate actually has a host of health benefits. It is also less processed than milk or white chocolate.

Instead of cold drinks, try lemonade. With homemade lemonade, you can control the amount of sugar you add or skip sugar entirely. And we hardly need to elaborate on the many drawbacks of aerated cold drinks.

Instead of French fries, try baked veggie fries. Slice and pop veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli into an air fryer to come up with a healthy yet delicious alternative to French fries that are fried and high in trans fats.

Instead of apple pie, try baked apples. In the mood for something sweet? Core an apple, top it with some butter, cinnamon, nuts and a little bit of sugar and pop it into your air fryer for all the goodness of an apple pie, minus the guilt.

Instead of cereal, try oatmeal. Packaged breakfast cereals and corn flakes are very high in sugar. Instead, try overnight oatmeal – sweetened with honey, maple syrup or date syrup, and topped with fresh fruits, for a delicious alternative.