Top 10 Beautiful Flowering Trees In India

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Flowering trees in small private gardens are just spectacular. Here are the top 10 flowering trees that you can grow in your garden.

Cassia fistula (The Indian laburnum)

It is also known as the golden shower and is the most iconic cassia of India. The tree features golden yellow, mildly scented flowers.

Lagerstroemia speciosa (Pride of India)

It is a state flower of Maharashtra, locally known as Tamhan. These mauve flowers bloom from April to May & July to August.

Bauhinia (Kachar tree)

You can plant this tree in your garden as it is known for its large and scented flowers in purple, lilac, dark pink, or white colour.

Bombax ceiba (The silk cotton tree)

It is a tall, thorny and shade tree that blooms from January to February. It features large bright crimson or red flowers.

Butea monosperma (Flame of the forest)

These blooms are in bright scarlet orange colour, with a shape resembling a parrot’s beak.

Erythrina variegata (Indian coral tree)

It is a fast-growing small tree that flowers in leafless conditions from February to March.

Saraca asoca (Sita Ashok)

It is an evergreen tree with vibrant orange and slightly fragrant flowers.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijat)

It is a small tree with pretty white flowers featuring an orange-red tube and center. The flowering season is autumn & the winter.

Cochlospermum religiosum (Yellow silk cotton tree)

It is a small branching deciduous tree that flowers from February to March in a leafless condition. It features golden yellow flowers.

Millingtonia hortensis (The Indian cork tree)

It is a fast-growing evergreen tree with trumpet-shaped white flowers.