5 Benefits of Eating Steamed Food 

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Steam cooking can help maintain the nutritional value of the food being cooked. Here are the five surprising benefits of eating steamed food.

Keeps the vitamins and minerals intact

Steaming amplifies the power of certain vitamins like Vitamin B, thiamine, niacin, and Vitamin C. It can help retain the essential vitamins and minerals found in vegetables.

No use of oil

Food cooked through steaming is lower in terms of fat content than food cooked using oil.

Makes the food easy to digest

Steamed food is easy to digest and your body can relish all the nutritional goodness.

Allows easy wash-up

Like regular cooking in oil or water, steamed vessels are easy to clean. You can steam several vegetables together without any transfer of flavour.

Keeps cholesterol in check

Cooking food with the help of the steaming method does not require any oil while cooking. This method prevents the consumption of added fat or saturated oils that lead to high BP and cholesterol.