Common workout mistakes to avoid

Skipping Warm-up and Cool Down: Warming up prepares your body for exercise and reduces the risk of injury, while cooling down helps with recovery and flexibility

Poor Form: Poor form can lead to injuries and diminish the effectiveness of the workout. Focus on proper technique to target the intended muscles and avoid strain

Overtraining: Overtraining can lead to fatigue, decreased performance, and an increased risk of injuries. Muscles need time to recover and grow

Ignoring Strength Training: Strength training is essential for overall fitness, metabolism, and injury prevention. It helps build lean muscle mass and boosts metabolism

Not Listening to Your Body: Pushing through pain can lead to injuries. Pay attention to your body and modify your workout if needed

Setting Unrealistic Goals: Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and burnout. Set achievable, progressive goals to stay motivated

Consistent Routine: The body adapts to routine, leading to a plateau in fitness gains. Include variety to challenge different muscle groups and prevent boredom