5 moments where Abhishek Bachchan captivated the audience with his performance as Captain Vikram Batra in LOC: Kargil

Producer: Aditi Giri

Chance, Choice and Profession Abhishek Bachchan’s dialogue delivery has always been one of his strongest suits as an actor, and in an opening scene we see Captain Batra deliver one of his most iconic lines in this film ‘A soldier lives by chance, loves by choice and kills by profession’, a line that instantly won over the heart of not just his partner, but the audience too.

Humour amid struggle In the early scenes of the film, before they go to war, we see Captain Batra interacting with his fellow soldiers, building a camaraderie and making them laugh amid violence and war. Abhishek Bachchan nails this scene, perfectly shining a light on Vikram Batra’s light-hearted and jovial nature.

Humour amid struggle In the early scenes of the film, before they go to war, we see Captain Batra interacting with his fellow soldiers, building a camaraderie and making them laugh amid violence and war. Abhishek Bachchan nails this scene, perfectly shining a light on Vikram Batra’s light-hearted and jovial nature.

Not Just Soldiers but friends Before some of the film's biggest action sequences, we see Abhishek Bachchan interacting with the soldiers in his platoon, building their morale and creating bonds that would last a lifetime. Abhishek truly brings out the caring side of Captain Batra in a scene where the soldiers are discussing plans after the war, creating a heartwarming and memorable scene that adds emotion to the loss we see later in the film.

Bravery, Leadership and Sacrifice Perhaps one of the most heroic tales from the Kargil War, Captain Batra’s selfless sacrifice was one of the turning points in the war. Abhishek Bachchan showed the country what kind of man Captain Batra was, showcasing his bravery and leadership with every scene, leading up to his heroic sacrifice so that his fellow soldiers could carry on. The last moments of Captain Batra’s life were raw, emotional and tear-jerking. This hard-hitting scene was perfectly enacted, as Abhishek Bachchan made the audience feel every emotion, leaving them with a sense of sadness for losing one of their own.