7 Winter Hair Care Tips for Frizz-free Locks

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

As winter festivities approach, achieving a glamorous look becomes a priority.

However, the cold temperatures and lack of moisture in the air can lead to dry and frizzy hair.

Here are some expert recommendations to keep your hair healthy and frizz-free during the winter season.

Understanding Winter Hair Challenges: Winter brings challenges such as dryness, breakage, static electricity, and faded colors due to cold, dry air.

Argan-Based Products: Opt for shampoos and conditioners with Argan oil to lock in moisture and prevent natural oils from stripping off the scalp.

Heat Styling Caution: Limit the use of heat styling tools and always apply a heat protective spray before styling. Consider a deep conditioning mask weekly to combat drynes

Gentle Combing: Use wide-toothed combs instead of brushes to avoid breakage, and protect your hair from the cold by wearing hats or scarves.

Hair Care Routine Adjustments: Combat dryness with hydrating shampoo and conditioner. Limit washing, avoid excessive heat styling, and use a humidifier for added moisture.

Moisture Locking Techniques: Reduce hair wash frequency, opt for lukewarm water, use deep conditioning treatments, shield hair with protective styles like braids, massage the scalp with nourishing oils, and trim regularly.

Hydration from Within: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Use Argan oil to reduce frizz and provide essential nutrition to both hair and scalp.