Humans aren't the smartest species on the planet?

It's this creature

Dolphins Take the Lead: According to Douglas Adams, dolphins claim the second-smartest spot, challenging our assumptions about animal intellect

Humans, Not the Brightest: Despite our self-proclaimed intelligence, Adams ranks humans as Earth's third-smartest species

Brains in Comparison: Adjusting for body mass, bottlenose dolphins' brains closely resemble human brains, challenging conventional hierarchies

Massive Minds: Bottlenose dolphins rank second in relative brain mass among all species, revealing similarities with human brain functions

Linguistic Wonders: Dolphins exhibit advanced language skills, understanding signed gestures and comprehending generalized words like "ball."

Multisensory Marvels: Processing information acoustically and visually, dolphins recognize scenes on television screens with human-level accuracy

Pointing Perfection: Dolphins, lacking arms, master pointing comprehension, possibly due to their experience with echolocation, a remarkable adaptation

Mirror, Mimic, and More:   Dolphins display self-awareness, mimicry of humans, and even teach each other new tricks, showcasing advanced cognitive abilities