5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up Refined Oil

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Heart Health

Refined oil is rich in trans fats and saturated fats, which are major risk factors for heart disease. Stopping the use of this oil can improve heart health.

Balanced Body Weight

Refined oil is high in calories. Eating this daily leads to excessive weight gain. Avoiding this oil will reduce your overall calorie intake. It also helps in maintaining a steady body weight.

Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

Consuming refined oils can affect insulin sensitivity, so avoiding them can help one maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Skin Health

Avoiding cooking with refined oil improves skin health. This makes our skin glow. Because refined oil leads to inflammation and skin problems, avoiding it will keep the skin healthy from within.

Digestive Benefits

Processed oil can cause digestive problems in some people. If one completely avoids refined oil for a month, their digestive problems will get better.