5 New Features Apple Brought for iPhone Users In 2023 

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Tilted Brush Stroke

2023 has been an iterative year for Apple when it comes to iPhones.

Tilted Brush Stroke

However, Apple added many cool features through software updates.

Tilted Brush Stroke

Here, let’s check 5 new features that iPhone users received this year:

Tilted Brush Stroke

iPhone 15 Pro models running iOS 17.2

Spatial Video Recording

Tilted Brush Stroke

All iPhones supporting iOS 17.2 

Journal App

Tilted Brush Stroke

Debuted with the iPhone 15 Pro models.

LOG Video Recording

Tilted Brush Stroke

Hold your iPhone near someone else’s to exchange contact details. 


Tilted Brush Stroke

Debuted with iOS 17; protects your eyes from strain.

Screen Distance

Tilted Brush Stroke

Comes with iOS 17; turns your iPhone into a bedside smart display.
