9 exciting resolution ideas for an unforgettable year

New Year 2024:

Friends are the secret ingredient to a healthier and happier life. This new year, make it a mission to connect and collect at least one new person each month. Embrace diversity in personalities, as each friend becomes a unique brushstroke on the canvas of your life.

Make a new friend every month

In 2024, shift the focus from changing your body to loving it. Embrace who you are, cultivate body confidence, and celebrate your favourite features through positive dressing choices.

Develop a positive relation with your body

Rediscover your inner child this year. Resolve to learn that one thing you missed out on — whether it's handstands, bike riding, or mastering the spelling of 'necessary.'

Learn something you never knew as a child

Why always subtract food from your diet as a New Year's resolution? This year, commit to adding various nutritious foods by trying something new each week.

Try new food each week

Have you noticed that some of us have been doing the same things daily, month after month? In 2024, don't wait for a special occasion to wear your new colourful shirt to the office. Try ordering tea instead of coffee. And don't save everything special for the best.

Make the ordinary unusual

Start your year right by tackling one financial concern. Cut costs creatively — cycle to work, grow veggies, or DIY beauty products.

Sort out a financial worry

Make a resolution to do one daily act of kindness, whether small like a compliment or impactful like donating blood.

Do something nice everyday

Give yourself a target to break a record. Explore unique and unusual achievements ranging from personal fitness exploits to world records.

Break a record

Do your party tricks no longer make you the centre of attention? Rework them and learn something new. Mastering a new skill, no matter how insignificant, can boost your self-esteem while also earning you some real social kudos the next time you share it in public.

Learn a new party trick