New Year 2024: How To Achieve Your Fitness Resolutions 

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

The year 2023 is almost about to end and we all are gearing up to formulate our New Year's resolutions. Here are some effective tips to achieve your fitness goals in the new year.

Select realistic fitness resolutions

Setting unrealistic fitness resolutions is hard to achieve. Hence, it is important to opt for an attainable goal that can be achieved within a few months to maintain motivation.

Do not wait until the end of the year

Avoid waiting for the year to come to an end. You can start warming up and initiate your fitness routine before the year comes to a close.

Find a fitness buddy

Exercising with your buddy adds an element of fun and serves as a source of motivation. It allows for mutual support and encouragement.

Plan in advance

Make sure to plan your fitness goals between Christmas and New Year, instead of waiting until New Year's Eve.

Add variety to your workouts

Adding some variety to your exercise routine can enhance enjoyment, maintain motivation and increase the likelihood of sticking to your fitness regimen.