Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

How to Adjust with Your Parents-in-law 

Give them emotional support as this would make them feel secure and happy. This act will make you adjust easily to them.

Give them their space and let them give you space too. They have their own life so let them do what they wish for.

Keep pampering your parents-in-law with their favourite sweets or meals; this would keep them happy and they won’t interfere in your matters.

If your parents-in-law prefers to stay alone then let them do so and visit them weekly.

Ignore if they scold you or are rude while talking until they reach a limit which is not acceptable. Don’t take it personally or to your heart.

 If you have any issues, communicate with them and clear it out before the relationship gets worse.

Ask your partner to spend time with your parents-in-law and care for them if they are not doing so.

Support them financially if needed.

Go out with them once a month on a small vacation or shopping or for a small meal at their favourite restaurant.

Try to involve yourself with them and bond with them via household activities.