Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Ways To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It is really easy to gain weight during the holidays and it is really difficult to reverse it. Here are some effective tips that can help prevent holiday weight gain.

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated to flush some of the extra sodium and bloat from the body.

Include a bowl of salad in the meal

Make sure to include fibre in the form of salad and fruits daily post-holiday.

Do not skip meals

After binge-eating over the holidays, you might feel like skipping meals entirely for a while. Try to eat foods in smaller quantities instead of skipping meals entirely.

Sleep on time

Adequate sleep is crucial in maintaining a healthy weight. At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is important for good sleep hygiene.

Decrease stress

Most people use holidays to de-stress. Once you are back to the routine, try to stay away from stress. You can do meditation and develop it as a hobby.