Foods to help improve eyesight

Moneycontrol News December 22, 2023


Eating different types of fishes such as salmon and sardines can help improve eyesight.

Citrus fruits

Consuming different types of citrus fruits such as oranges and oranges can help better the eyesight.

Leafy vegetables

Eating leafy green vegetables such as spinach can play a role in improving eyesight.


Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin that can help decrease the risk of age-related eyesight loss.


Carrots are rich in beta carotene, Vitamin A and eating the vegetable can help improve eyesight.


Drinking sufficient quantity of water can help improve eyesight over a period of time.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene and are a source of antioxidant Vitamin E.


Consuming different seeds such as hemp seeds and chia seeds can help improve eyesight over a period of time.