9 fermented foods to maintain gut health 

Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics that supports gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Its fermented nature enhances nutrient absorption and may boost the immune system.


This traditional Korean dish is made from salted and fermented vegetables, and is high in probiotics and vitamins. It offers anti-cancer effects and numerous other advantages.


Rich in calcium and probiotics, Kefir aids in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, immunity and neurological disorders.


Kombucha, a fermented tea, contains probiotics that support gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, aiding digestion, and potentially boosting the immune system.


Tempeh is a fermented soy product rich in probiotics and plant-based protein, promoting gut health and providing a nutrient-dense meat alternative.


Miso, a traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, aids digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, and contributes beneficial probiotics for gut microbiota balance.


Yoghurt contains live cultures of beneficial bacteria, supporting digestive health, improving immunity, and providing a good source of calcium and protein.


Sourdough fermentation breaks down gluten and phytic acid, making nutrients more accessible, and the lactic acid bacteria contribute to a healthier gut, potentially aiding digestion for some individuals.

Sourdough Bread

It helps regulate blood sugar levels, supports weight management, and has antimicrobial properties, promoting a healthy gut and aiding digestion when consumed in moderation.

Apple Cider Vinegar