Morning Sickness Survival:  9 tasty foods to nix nausea

Ginger is well-known for its nausea-fighting qualities. To aid with morning sickness, try ginger tea, ginger ale, or ginger candies. Ginger pills or ginger chews are convenient solutions for some ladies.


Plain, easy-to-digest foods such as crackers or pretzels can assist with nausea. Keep some by your nightstand and eat a few before you get out of bed in the morning.

Crackers or Pretzels

Keep lemons handy to combat morning sickness. Whether you sniff them, squeeze them into water, or lick slices, the refreshing scent and taste can calm your stomach.


Opt for cold foods to combat nausea, as hot bites may trigger your gag reflex. Cold options like sorbet, yoghurt, popsicles, chilled fruits, or ice cream can help eliminate scents that might upset your stomach.

Cold Foods

Studies suggest that Vitamin B6 can reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Foods rich in B6 include pork, chicken, fish, fortified cereals, nuts, chickpeas, tofu, turkey, vegetables, and more.

Vitamin B6

Packed with B6, bananas are a soothing choice during morning sickness. They provide nutrients and potassium to refuel your body.


Cereal does not normally have a nausea-inducing scent or flavour, making them an excellent choice during pregnancy.


Enjoy peppermint-flavoured tea for a soothing option at home or keep peppermint hard candies handy for on-the-go relief.


Staying hydrated is crucial for settling your stomach during morning sickness. Besides water, opt for pregnancy-safe herbal teas like red raspberry, lemon, spearmint, peppermint, peach, or chamomile for added nausea-relieving benefits.

Herbal Teas

Broth is not only easy on the stomach but also provides essential electrolytes to prevent dehydration, a common side effect of vomiting.
