9 reasons to stop taking daily baths in the winter

Though the purpose of bathing is to clean your body, for many it has become a social norm. So, if you are not getting dirty or sweating much, it’s okay to stay clear of the waters.

You are not so dirty

Hot water baths in winter are soothing, but they can be more harmful than beneficial. Taking long, hot water baths daily can remove natural oils from the skin, making it flaky and dry.

Harmful for skin

Hot water baths on a daily basis can harm the skin's natural barrier function. This barrier is critical for defending the body against external contaminants, allergies, and diseases.

Compromise skin barrier

Individuals who have pre-existing skin disorders like eczema or psoriasis may discover that taking daily hot water baths aggravates their symptoms.

Make skin conditions worse

Adopting a less frequent bathing schedule in winter can contribute to energy conservation.

Wastage of energy

Hot water is not just hard on the skin; it may also harm the health of your hair, causing it to become dry and brittle.

Bad for hair health

While occasional exposure to cold water can stimulate the immune system, prolonged and frequent exposure to hot water may have the opposite effect.

Immune system

Prolonged exposure to hot water, especially in winter, can affect the circulatory system. Hot water causes blood vessels to dilate, leading to a drop in blood pressure.

Drop blood pressure

Do you know an average person consumes around 55 litres of water everyday just for bathing? So, if you don’t bath in winters, you are contributing to a sustainable environment.

Water wastage