Fight the Freeze:  9 ways to protect your lips in winters

Thoroughly cleanse your lips to remove all dust. Then gently exfoliate it to eliminate dead skin cells and apply lip balm to lock the moisture.

Clean them daily

Avoid licking your lips. It makes them dry instead of moist. Additionally, the enzymes in saliva that are meant to digest food can irritate lips in the process.

Don’t lick your lips

Lip balms containing camphor, eucalyptus and menthol should be avoided, as they may irritate the skin on your lips. Opt for those that have natural ingredients like beeswax, shea, butter, coconut oil, and vitamin E.

Choose right lip balm

Plucking your skin can cause bleeding and blisters, leaving scars on your lips. Allow your lips to heal naturally.

Avoid plucking

Drink plenty of water to keep your lips supple and free from chapping.

Stay hydrated

While vitamin D is necessary for the body, UV rays cause lips to become dull, dry, and pigmented. Protect them with an SPF to prevent UV rays from harming them.

Protect lips from sun

Include vitamins, minerals, and zinc in your diet in order to maintain lip health. You can eat carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Eat healthy

Matte lipsticks can make your lips extremely dry, especially during winters, soaking all the moisture. Avoid using it if you don’t want your lips to get chapped.

Avoid matte lipstick

Cold air draws moisture from your skin and lips, making them dull, dry, and flaky. You can use humidifiers in your room to keep the humidity levels stable.

Use a humidifier