5 Plants To Attract Prosperity In 2024

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Money Plant

Placing the plant in the southeastern corner of the house helps you get rid of all financial burdens. Since it is an indoor plant, it is strictly instructed to keep it away from sunlight. Having it at your place will never let you have financial issues.

Jade Plant

The jade plant is the most visually beautiful succulent. For those looking for unprecedented financial growth of the family, it is considered auspicious to bring this plant to your place.

Bamboo Plant

The bamboo plant is believed to bring happiness, prosperity and good fortune. For those who want to attract happiness, prosperity, progress and peace in 2024, it is a must to get yourself a bamboo plant.


Bonsai is also referred to as the good luck tree. This particular plant symbolises good fortune. Its ability to create positive energy makes it a popular choice.This plant is for indoor settings and boasts white flowers along with green foliage.

Peace Lily

Peace lily is a fortune plant which eliminates environmental contaminants. Its low maintenance and striking appearance make it ideal for office spaces and also homes. This plant is air purifying, and extremely easy to take care of, and most importantly, it attracts fortune.