9 signs of potassium deficiency

Potassium aids in the regulation of muscular contractions. When your blood potassium levels are low, your muscles contract more slowly and you feel fatigued.

Weakness and Fatigue

Potassium deficiency can cause prolonged and painful muscle cramps due to disrupted signalling from the brain to muscles. Severe hypokalemia may also result in muscle weakness.

Muscle Weakness and Cramps

Low potassium levels can weaken contractions in the digestive system, leading to issues like bloating and constipation.

Digestive Problems

Potassium is crucial for regulating heart muscle contractions. Insufficient potassium levels can lead to irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), signalling a potential serious heart condition.

Abnormal Heartbeat

Severe potassium deficiency may cause breathing difficulties as low levels impact the proper functioning of lung muscles. In extreme cases, it can even lead to respiratory failure.

Breathing Difficulties

Potassium deficiency can result in tingling and numbness, affecting nerve function.

Tingling and Numbness

Low potassium levels may impair kidney function, leading to increased urination (polyuria) and heightened thirst (polydipsia).

Polyuria (Frequent Urination)

Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining a balance of electrolytes, including sodium. Low potassium levels may lead to sodium retention, potentially contributing to high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

Low potassium levels may also impact cognitive function, leading to difficulty concentrating and mental fatigue.

Impaired Cognitive Function