9 dry fruits that improve vision

Cashews are rich in zinc, which helps transport Vitamin A to the retina. They also help improve night vision.


Almonds are high in Vitamin E, which protects the eyes from damage caused by free radicals.


Rich in vitamin A, raisins are linked to preventing night blindness and keeping the retina healthy.

Golden raisins

Walnuts are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for eye health and aid in the creation and maintenance of cell membranes.


Abundant in fibre and Vitamin A, dates aid in diabetes prevention and safeguarding against diabetes-related eye issues.


Pistachios contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which provide a natural defence against things that could damage the eyes.


High in vitamin A, apricots promote good vision and can help prevent eye problems caused by a deficiency in this vitamin.


Selenium, found in Brazil nuts, is crucial for eye health and may protect against age-related macular degeneration.

Brazil Nuts

These berries contain high levels of antioxidants, including zeaxanthin, which may protect the eyes from harmful high-energy light waves.

Goji Berries

Rich in antioxidants and zinc, pine nuts contribute to the overall well-being of the eyes.

Pine Nuts

How to get your daily dose of Vitamin D on foggy winter days