7 Fruit Plants To Never Grow In January

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Citrus Trees: Avoid planting citrus trees in January; they prefer warmer conditions to thrive and bear fruit.

Passion Fruit Vines: Passion fruit vines need consistent warmth, making January an unsuitable time for their cultivation.

Mango Trees: Mango trees require tropical climates; planting in January may expose them to cold conditions.

Papaya Plants: Papayas are sensitive to frost; refrain from planting in January to avoid cold damage.

Pineapple Plants: Pineapple plants dislike cold temperatures, so delay planting until warmer months for optimal growth.

Banana Trees: Bananas thrive in warm climates; avoid planting in January to prevent potential cold damage.

Pomegranate Bushes: Pomegranates prefer planting in early spring; January may subject them to winter chill.