Deepika Padukone's Favourite  Ema Datshi RECIPE

Producer:  Riya Ashok

The actor had mentioned in a previous interview how much she loved the national cuisine of Bhutan, Ema Datshi.

Start by finely cutting 200g of Bhutanese cheese (such as yak cheese) and four to five medium-sized green chilli peppers.

Two teaspoons of vegetable oil should be heated over medium heat in a pan.

When it turns golden brown, add one finely chopped onion and sauté.

Add one teaspoon of finely chopped garlic and sauté for an additional one minute.

When the green chilli peppers are chopped, add them to the pan and simmer until they soften.

For flavour, add one teaspoon of toasted ground red rice to the mixture.

Add the chopped cheese to the pan gradually, stirring constantly to ensure even melting.

After adding one cup of water, cook the cheese until it takes on a thick, creamy consistency.

Add salt to taste and, for added spiciness, a pinch of red chilli powder from Bhutan.

Enjoy this wonderfully spicy dish of Bhutanese cuisine by serving the Ema Datshi hot over steamed rice!