Dark chocolate vs  milk chocolate:  Which is better ?

Moneycontrol News January 14, 2024

Images: Unsplash

Chocolate has been shown to decrease inflammation and improve memory, keep your heart healthy, and even boost your mood. 

But despite its health benefits, chocolates are also infamous for its high fat and sugar content.  It is also associated with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and diabetes caused by caffeine and added chemicals.

But when you have to choose between white and dark chocolates here's what you have to keep in mind:

Many of the benefits of chocolate come from flavanols (found in cocoa), which have antioxidant effects—and a very bitter taste.

To help neutralise that taste, it's processed and the more chocolate is processed, the more it loses the qualities that make it healthy in the first place.

Since dark chocolate contains a minimum of 35 percent cocoa, it keeps more of its health benefits than milk chocolate, which only contains under 10 percent cocoa.

This means, you're barely getting any chocolate at all, even if it tastes really good.

To sum it up, the more cocoa, the more flavonoids, and the better the chocolate is for you.

Plus, dark chocolate varieties often have less added sugar and fat which can also improve its overall nutritional value.