7  Plants That Do Not Like Sunlight

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Peace Lily: Flourishes in low light, ideal for indoor spaces with filtered or artificial light.

Maidenhair Fern: Prefers shade and thrives in high humidity, making it suitable for low-light conditions.

ZZ Plant: Adapts well to low light and is known for its resilience and air-purifying qualities.

Snake Plant: Tolerates low light and is renowned for its ability to survive in various conditions.

Philodendron: Different varieties, like the heartleaf, can thrive in low to moderate light indoors.

Begonia: Flourishes in indirect light and offers vibrant blooms, making it a popular indoor choice.

Calathea: Known for its stunning foliage, Calathea varieties thrive in low to medium indirect light.