How To Reduce Trans Fat Intake? 

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Trans fat is an artificially created fat that results from hydrogenated liquid oils. It is associated with various health risks, including an increased risk of heart disease, elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and inflammation.

Here are some ways in which you can reduce trans fat intake to stay healthy.

Choose healthy oils

You can opt for oils high in unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, canola oil, or sunflower oil, for cooking. They can help reduce inflammation and improve brain function.

Read food labels

Make sure to read food labels before buying the product. Try searching for terms like “partially hydrogenated oils," as these can be used to identify trans fats.

Limit eating processed foods

Try to limit the consumption of processed and packaged foods as they often contain trans fats.

Cook at home

Prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients to have better control over the fats used in cooking.

Opt for natural fats

Natural trans fats are found in small amounts in nuts and avocados. They are also a good source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.