Top 6 Reasons to Eat Walnuts On Empty Stomach

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Weight loss

Due to its high fibre, protein, omega-3, and omega-6 content, walnuts make you feel full for a longer time. Walnuts boost hormones that are responsible for increasing satiety.

Boost energy

Walnuts also contain vitamin B, which is known for boosting energy levels in the body. All you need to do is just add crushed walnuts to your salads or smoothies or eat a handful on an empty stomach to boost your energy levels.

Controls diabetes

Walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties that may help against heart disease and type 2 diabetes as well.

Good for brain

Walnuts possess certain compounds that are essential foods for the brain. A few studies have found a link between low levels of omega-3 and mood disorders. Hence, intake of walnuts every day can boost your mood and brain functioning too.

Healthy skin

Due to the potent antioxidant and vitamin E presence in walnuts, it has a significant effect on your skin. It makes it look healthy and supple and also fights free radical damage that can cause oxidative stress. It also prevents premature ageing.

Strengthens hair and nails

The presence of fatty acids in walnuts aids in strengthening your hair and nails. Massage your scalp with walnut oil to promote hair growth and lustre.