Love Alert:  10 red flags in relationships you should never ignore

If your partner tries to control your movements, decisions, or beliefs, and cares more about what they want rather than what is suitable for you, it's a huge red flag. 

Controlling nature

If your partner is continuously suspicious of you, it may indicate a lack of trust. Healthy relationships need trust on both the sides.

Lack of trust

When you love someone, you pledge to support and uplift them. If you don't feel supported by your partner, family, or friends, something needs to change.

Causing low self esteem

Any kind of abuse is not accepted in a healthy relationship. While physical one is easier to detect, mental and emotional abuse can also be equally damaging in long run.

Physical, mental, or emotional abuse

Being emotionally linked with a narcissistic, egoistic individual can be draining and traumatic.

Narcissistic personality

If you are close to someone who has anger management issues, you may feel threatened or uncomfortable during a disagreement. Lack of emotional management is a clear red flag in any relationship.

Anger management issues

You love your partner, but that affection should not extend to relying exclusively on each other for emotional, psychological, and even physical support, creating a distance from the rest of the world.


People who avoid disagreement may believe they are protecting the relationship from ruin. However, in the end, it leads to complicated passive aggression, which is more harmful.

Inability to resolve conflict

Is your partner always jealous of your connection with others and cares more about what they want than your happiness. Such a relationship is a big no no.

Constant jealousy

People with low emotional intelligence are unable to understand or empathise with you. This frequently results in unneeded fights or types of manipulation.

Lack of emotional intelligence