9 symptoms of high blood pressure in winters you must watch out for

Headaches, or a rapid rise in the frequency or intensity of headaches throughout the winter, are indicators of high blood pressure.


High blood pressure drains the individual's energy, resulting in exhaustion and a general sense of weakness.


If you are feeling abnormally weary or lack energy during the winter months, you should check your blood pressure readings.


If you are having breathlessness for no apparent reason, see your doctor right away to check for an increase in blood pressure. It could worsen as the weather becomes cooler.

Shortness of breath

Another symptom of high blood pressure includes chest pain or discomfort. It may worsen as the temperature drops, and radiate to the arms, shoulders, neck, or jaw.

Chest pain

High blood pressure affects the blood vessels in the eyes, resulting in changed vision. If you experience blurred vision, double vision, or even vision loss, get your blood pressure checked.

Changed vision

Hypertension can damage blood vessels in the nasal passages, causing nosebleeds.


Increased blood pressure in the veins of your brain might cause nausea.

Nausea and Vomiting

Sometimes, vertigo, the feeling of moving or spinning while being still, is the only symptom of uncontrolled hypertension.
