5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Kittens In Winters

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Get vaccinated

The first thing one should keep in mind is to take the small kitten to the doctor and get it vaccinated. These vaccines protect kittens from many deadly diseases.

Do not disturb

Kittens sleep for a long time during the day. If one has kittens in their house, then do not disturb them so that they can get enough sleep.

Do not take them outside

Winter weather can be fatal for humans as well as pets. Therefore, it is suggested not to take the kitten outside. A small mistake in the cold can be fatal for them. In fact, taking a kitten outside can harm their health and lead to diseases.

Provide double the nutrition

Kittens need twice the nutrition as an adult cat. When they are 5-6 months old, they should be fed four times a day. Apart from this, if one has both a dog and a cat in their house, they should not feed the dog food to the cat.

Avoid bathing daily

There is no need to bathe the kitten daily. When the cat’s body starts smelling, one can bathe it with normal water. Also, the cat’s hair should be brushed daily. By doing this, broken hair will come out and will not spread in the house.