Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Study Tips to Become A Topper 

Many students realise that their study habits are not very effective and it’s important to make some changes in your timetable when you have exams or rigorous classes coming up.

Here are five study tips to become a topper.

Select a time and a suitable place to study

Every student has different preferences; some like to study early in the morning, others prefer staying up all night and studying. Make sure to select a time when you feel most productive and set up your study space somewhere quiet.

Make a timetable

Prepare a timetable and give your subjects a proper time to avoid any last-minute stress. Follow a timetable from the beginning of the session.

Set alarms

Setting alarms can make you remind of your study plans and help you to stay on track.

Understand your learning style

Every student has a unique style of learning. Some prefer learning by listening, and some prefer taking notes and reading them aloud. Understand your style and follow it.

Review and revise

Make sure to revise things you have studied before. It can help you understand the concepts and remember them.