7 Amazing Quotes by Virat Kohli on Success

Producer:  Riya Ashok

"I'm not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."

"You have to stay fresh and blank in your mind when you go out to bat. You complicate things, and you're gone."

"I never feel pressure. I only play for enjoyment and to be happy on the field. I believe in my abilities, and I have confidence in my preparation."

"I focus on the process, not the results. Aiming for success is important, but understanding and enjoying the journey is equally crucial."

"In cricket and in life, you need to have patience. Success is not an overnight achievement; it's the result of continuous effort and dedication."

"I don't play for the crowd; I play for the country. I play for the team, and that's my responsibility."

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog."