Astro Tips: Foods To Avoid Eating On Monday Fasts

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva in the Sanatan Dharm. Many people observe fasts on Monday as Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati fulfill all their wishes as a reward for their dedication.

There are rules associated with keeping fast. Here are a few of them.

Do not eat things made with gram flour while fasting on Monday

If you keep a fast on Monday, you can avoid eating things made with gram flour like pakoras, cheela, or others. However, you can make them using buckwheat flour for eating.

Do not eat green vegetables while fasting on Monday

Avoid eating green vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, parwal, and more as they are not considered to be a part of the fast’s diet.

Do not eat tamasic food while fasting on Monday

While observing a fast on Monday you should not consume the Tamasic diet.

Do not eat spicy food and rock salt while fasting on Monday

You should avoid eating spicy food or any dish with rock salt in it while you are fasting on Monday.