10 yoga poses to help with depression 

Known as Setu Bandhasana, this yoga pose can alleviate symptoms of depression. It is a mild inversion that elevates your heart above your head, which improves blood flow and reduces stress, fatigue, and insomnia.

Bridge Pose

Along with strengthening the legs and stretching the hips and groin, this pose also helps improve circulation, reduce stress, and increase energy levels.

Warrior 2

Child’s pose is deeply relaxing and calms the nervous system, resulting in reduced depression. 

Child’s Pose

Plow pose improves your mood and energy levels by calming the nervous system and stimulating the thyroid gland. 

Plow Pose

Corpse pose is an excellent way to relax and reduce stress, especially for the people with depression. 

Corpse Pose

This pose involves synchronisation of mind, body and breath, which makes the posture deeply therapeutic, particularly while dealing with depression. 

Tree Pose

It is a deeply calming exercise that ease tension in the muscles, relieving depression and stress. 

Seated Forward Bend

Surya Namaskar causes the release of euphoric hormones known as endorphins. These chemical messengers play an important role in mood control, facilitating positive emotions.

Sun salutation

Boat pose has several benefits, including stronger abs, thighs, and arms, improved digestion, diabetes control, and reduced stress and depression.

Boat Pose

The downward-facing dog pose can also help you relax your head and release tension in your neck and back. Increased blood flow to the brain can help clear mental fog and treat mild depression.

Downward Facing Dog

9 yoga poses to make your memory sharp