10 Fruits With High Sugar Content

Producer: Peuli Bakshi Editor: Manuj Yadav

Mangos: Mangos are deliciously sweet but also contain a high amount of natural sugars.

Grapes: Grapes are naturally high in sugar, particularly fructose.

Bananas: While bananas offer various nutrients, they also contain a significant amount of natural sugars.

Pear: Pears are sweet and juicy, containing a moderate amount of natural sugars. 

Dates: Dates are rich in natural sugars, making them a common sweetener in food.

Cherries: Cherries are sweet and can contribute to sugar intake.

Figs: Figs are naturally sweet and contain a fair amount of sugar.

Lychees: Lychees are sweet tropical fruits with a relatively high sugar content.

Pineapples: Pineapples are known for their sweetness, making them higher in sugar compared to some other fruits.

Pomegranates: Pomegranate seeds are sweet and can add to sugar consumption.