Vastu Tips to Keep Shami Plant Outside Home

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey



Several plants including the Shami plant can help add positivity to your house.



 It can absorb negative energy and prevent it from entering the house.



The Shami plant is believed to be associated with Lord Shani.



 If you’re keeping the plant on the ground, you are advised to plant it at a distance of at least 5 feet outside the house. 



 You can keep the Shami plant in the east, south, west, or northeast corner of your house. Placing it in the right direction can help welcome stability, power, prosperity, victory and auspiciousness into your home.



Keep the plant in a clean and dry place. Do not place the pants near the garbage or drain.



Make sure no shadow is falling on the Shami plant.



Note This is based on general information. Before adopting any measures consult an expert.