Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Things to Avoid After A Facial

Do not touch your face

When you get your facial done, the pores of your skin get opened; and touching your face after the facial can transfer the bacteria of your hand to your skin. This can cause skin breakouts, leading to pimples.

Consumption of tea and coffee

Wearing makeup just after getting your facial done can be dangerous for your skin. Makeup products contain chemicals that can seep into your open pores and can cause skin damage. 

Avoid facewash or scrub

Avoid using facewash for at least 4-6 hours after getting your facial done. If you need to wash your face, then you can just do it with water. 

 Avoid going out in the sun

Avoid contact with UV rays after getting your facial done. Your skin becomes delicate after getting a facial; and the sun, dirt, and pollution can damage it.

Do not use needles after facial

If you use needles on your skin then, it would be better if you get it done before the facial. The skin remains sensitive for a few hours after the facial.