Health benefits of garlic

Best home remedy for high cholesterol, blood pressure 

Moneycontrol News | February 8, 2024 | Images: Canva

Allicin, the active compound in garlic,  impacts your cholesterol levels. Studies show that this compound interferes with cholesterol synthesis and presents a compelling strategy to achieve and maintain a healthier lipid profile

Garlic aids in regulating blood pressure. Allicin's vasodilatory effects contribute  to the relaxation of blood vessels and offer a natural approach to manage hypertension and promote heart health

Rich in antioxidants, garlic defends against oxidative stress. These antioxidants play a vital role in safeguarding cardiovascular health, preventing damage to blood vessels,  and reducing the risk of atherosclerosis

Chronic inflammation is a  significant contributor to heart  disease. Garlic's anti-inflammatory  properties have the  potential to  calm inflammatory responses and  foster a heart-healthy environment

Garlic helps widen blood vessels,  thus improving blood flow. Scientific evidence emphasises the positive effect of enhanced circulation on heart health and highlights garlic's natural support  for a healthy heart

It has shown a positive effect in reducing triglyceride levels. This extra benefit helps to maintain a well-balanced lipid profile and highlights garlic's diverse support for cardiovascular well-being

Garlic's immune-boosting properties make it a valuable addition to fortify the body against potential threats and contribute to the well-being of your heart