EV Charging Stations: Cost, How To Install And Other Details

India has a total of 12,146 electric vehicle charging stations.

Maharashtra leads the list with 3,079 charging stations.

Then comes Delhi with 1,886 and Karnataka with 1,041 charging spots.

The cost of installing an EV charging station is around Rs 30 to 50 lakh.

EV chargers are classified into three types: Levels 1, 2 and 3.

Level 1 (slow charging), level 2 (standard charging) and level 3 (fast charging).

Public and home EV charging stations have different setup costs.

Installation costs depend on charger type, infrastructure and station's location.

The location of EV charging stations must have a good GPRS (data) connection.

Installing an EV charging station at home is less expensive than public.