Finished a workout? Here's what to eat

Lean protein, found in fish and poultry, is the cornerstone of any meal or snack after working out. 

Quinoa is a versatile whole grain that contains both proteins and carbs. 

Avocados are a great option because of their high level of healthy fat. 

Leafy vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. 

Protein shakes are a popular post-workout meal replacement because they're simple to make. 

Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, tart cherry juice aids in the healing process following intense exercise. 

Eggs are one of the nature’s most perfect proteins.

Whole-grain bread contains high-quality carbs, which are a wise choice. 

From carbs to proteins and fats, chocolate milk has everything you need after workout.

Due to its high amino acid content, watermelon or its juice helps to ease sore muscles.

Want toned legs? These exercise are for you