Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Tips To Reduce Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction is a behavioural addiction where a person is overly concerned about social media.

Addictive social media use is similar to substance abuse disorder and the person may have mood modification, behavioural and emotional pre-adaptation with social media.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook etc., have similar effects on brain akin to recreational drugs or gambling making a person addicted to it.

It can also cause negative body image, eating disorders, online bullying and even suicidal tendencies among youth.

Following are some handy tips to keep a check on your social media addiction.

Turn off notifications, especially at work.

Limit the number of time social media check is done.

Have self-imposed non-screen time such as during meals.

If possible keep the phone in a separate room at night.

Seek expert help if these simple measures fail to correct addiction.