Anti-Valentine's Week: 7 days of celebrating independence and self-love


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published Feb 15, 2024

For those who find the saccharine sweetness of romance a tad too overwhelming, there's an alternative: Anti-Valentine's Week.

This week-long rebellion against the lovey-dovey norm offers a refreshing break from the commercialised aspects of Valentine's Day. Take a look at the days celebrated during Anti-Valentine's Week and its significance.

The week kicks off with Slap Day, encouraging individuals to metaphorically slap away the clichés and societal pressure surrounding romantic relationships. It's a day to assert one's independence and remind yourself that love isn't confined to romantic entanglements.

Slap Day (February 15)

Kick Day, a day to kick away any lingering expectations or negativity associated with traditional Valentine's celebrations. It's an opportunity to focus on personal goals and aspirations, taking a step towards self-improvement.

Kick Day (February 16)

On Perfume Day, the emphasis is on personal fragrance and pampering. Treat yourself to your favorite perfume or indulge in a spa day. The idea is to celebrate self-love and appreciation, recognising the importance of feeling good for oneself.

Perfume Day (February 17)

Flirting Day acknowledges the playful side of relationships without the commitment. It encourages light-hearted interactions and connections, emphasising the joy of forming connections without the pressure of romantic attachment.

Flirting Day (February 18)

Contrary to the conventional confession of love, this day is about confessing anything and everything that might be on your mind. It's an opportunity to unburden yourself and embrace honesty in all aspects of life.

Confession Day (February 19)

On Missing Day, people are encouraged to reflect on what or whom they might be missing in their lives. It's not necessarily about a romantic partner but can encompass any aspect of life that might be absent or overlooked.

Missing Day (February 20) 

The week concludes with Breakup Day, symbolising the liberation from any toxic relationships or habits that may be holding you back. It's a day to let go, move forward, and embrace a new chapter in life.

Breakup Day (February 21) 

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