10 Life Lessons By Sadhguru

“When you consciously choose to be ordinary, you become extraordinary.”

“Exploring the full possibility of your capabilities is more important than being one step ahead of someone else.”

“As long as you are locked up in your own logic, the Magic of life will not reveal itself to you.”

“The nature of Truth is such that from whichever direction you look at it, it is still the same thing.”

“If you learn to use your body like an instrument, it is the most fantastic and powerful instrument on the planet.”

“The difference between ignorance and knowing is just a subtle shift in perception.”

“You do not need a mindset. You need an Intelligence that is not set but fluid.”

“What happens in your life is not 100% in your control. But what you make out of it is 100% up to you.”

“You earn a living to Live Well, not to kill yourself with stress.”

“Both the beautiful and the terrible things human beings do arise from emotion.”