10 super healthy

black foods

you should add to your meals 

Blackberries Blackberries, high in anthocyanins and Vitamin C, are a healthy addition to any diet. They promote cardiovascular health and immunity.

Blackcurrant Blackcurrants are high in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anthocyanins, making them an excellent way to boost your health.

Black figs Black figs, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, provide a sweet and nutritious treat, enhancing both sweet and savoury dishes.

Black Beans Low in calories and fat, black beans are a versatile legume rich in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a perfect addition to your diet.

Black Lentils Black lentils, known for their nutritional value, are high in fibre, protein, and essential minerals, making them ideal for a variety of savoury recipes.

Balsamic Vinegar This sweet and tangy vinegar is not only delicious but also rich in antioxidants, aiding in cell protection and improving digestion.

Black Garlic With its unique sweet and savoury flavour profile, black garlic offers numerous health benefits, including antioxidant properties and immune system support.

Caviar Caviar, a luxurious delicacy high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, provides a one-of-a-kind taste experience and has several health benefits.

Black Sesame Seeds Nutrient-dense black sesame seeds have a rich nutty flavour and numerous health benefits, making them ideal for seasoning various dishes.

Chia Seeds These versatile seeds have a subtle nutty flavour and are high in antioxidants and essential nutrients, making them ideal for promoting overall health.

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