6 Black Superfoods That Work Wonders For Your Health

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Research suggests that black foods are healthier than many superfoods being consumed worldwide. Here, we enlist some of the most nutritious black foods.

Black Rice

Native to the Southeast Asian belt, black rice is packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, promoting good eye health. Its cancer-fighting properties and fibre content make it extremely beneficial.

Black Dal

Indians have been consuming black dal for ages. Packed with fibre, iron, folate, and protein, black dal is nutritious and delicious. It can be prepared in gravies or added to mixed dals for enhanced taste.

Black Olives

Considered superfoods for their richness in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, polyphenols and oleocanthal, black olives offer numerous health benefits like protecting arteries from clogging and promoting eye, skin, and hair health.

Black Grapes

Sweet and nutritious, black grapes prevent retinal damage and macular degeneration. They have anti-cancer properties and a protective effect on cardiac health. Proanthocyanidins present in black grapes contribute to skin and hair health.

Black Garlic

Though not naturally black, the cloves of black garlic are fermented for weeks, turning them black. It prevents inflammation, boosts memory, and protects from cell damage, thereby helping prevent cancer.

Black berries

Blackberries are excellent for heart health and reducing inflammation, while also boosting the immune system. They are beneficial for addressing issues related to menstruation flow or irregular occurrence of periods.