10 foods that can be eaten post their expiry dates

Eggs Eggs can be consumed three to four weeks after their expiration date. To check their freshness, place an egg in a bowl of water; if it sinks, it is fresh; if it floats, discard it

Bread Bread is generally safe to eat for five-seven days after its expiration date. If you want to extend its shelf life, you might also think about freezing it.

Canned corn Canned corn is edible for one-two years after its expiry. Consumption is safe as long as the can is intact and shows no signs of spoilage.

Cereal and granola Dry cereals and granola can be consumed for one-three weeks after the expiration date. To maintain freshness, store them in airtight containers.

Milk Although there is a "best before" date for milk, you should always trust your instincts. It should be discarded if it tastes or smells sour.

Dry pasta Dry pasta can last for up to two years after its expiration date. As long as it is stored properly (in a cool, dry place), it is safe to cook and consume.

Root vegetables Root vegetables, such as onions, potatoes, and carrots, keep well for several weeks after they are supposed to go bad. Just check for evidence of sprouting or decay before using them.

Yoghurt Yoghurt that hasn't been opened can be consumed up to three weeks after it expires. Make sure there are no strange odours or visible mould before eating.

Honey Honey doesn't spoil or go bad. Even if it crystallises, gently warming it will restore its liquid state. So, feel free to use that honey jar well after the printed date.

Hard cheese Hard cheeses, such as cheddar, Parmesan, and Gouda, can be consumed even after they have expired. The high salt content and low moisture levels prevent rapid spoilage. Simply remove any mouldy parts before enjoying.

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