10 ways to heal after a breakup

Express yourself Allowing your emotions to flow is the first step towards recovery. The grieving process can be unplanned, with you feeling sad one moment and angry the next. But it's normal.

Shift your perspective Don’t focus on what went wrong. Take the breakup as an opportunity for personal growth and discovery. Reflect on the lessons you learnt and the opportunity to make a better future.

Focus on you There may be activities you wanted to indulge in or places you wanted to visit but were unable to do so in the past. Now is the time to think about doing these things.

Limit contact with them Cut contact with your ex-partner. Unfollow them on social media, delete their number, and avoid places where you might run into them. It helps to create emotional distance.

Don’t isolate yourself Avoid isolating yourself during this delicate period. Seeking support from friends and family can be beneficial.

Care for yourself Exercise, eat well, get plenty of rest, and do things you enjoy. Self-care is crucial at this time.

Avoid rebound relationships While it is tempting to seek distraction, entering into a new relationship right away may be unhealthy. Allow yourself time to heal before pursuing new romantic connections.

Forgive them Forgiveness towards your ex-partner (and yourself) is essential for healing. Holding onto resentment only exacerbates the pain. Remove any negativity and concentrate on moving forward.

Practise gratitude Practise gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Cultivate gratitude for the lessons learned and the opportunity to make new connections.

Seek medical help If coping becomes difficult, you can seek professional help.

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