10 popular foods that were made by mistake

Potato Chips Invented in 1853 by George Crum, potato chips are a result of a picky customer's complaints about thick fries.

Coca-Cola Coca-Cola as we know it today was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton as a tonic to combat his cocaine addiction.

Popsicles Back in 1905, an 11-year-old accidentally left a soda mixture outside overnight with a stirring stick in it. Due to the cold, it froze and resulted in the creation of what we enjoy today as a popsicle.

Champagne Champagne's bubbles were once thought to be a flaw until producers discovered how to control fermentation, resulting in the creation of the celebrated sparkling wine.

Kellogg's Corn Flakes The popular breakfast cereal was invented by Will Kellogg in the early 1900s while attempting to create a healthy granola treat.

Ice Cream Cones Ernest Hamwi invented the popular combination of ice cream and cones at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, when he rolled waffles into cones to serve ice cream after a neighbouring vendor ran out of dishes.

Worcestershire Sauce The sauce was created in 1838 in England to satisfy the cravings of Lord Marcus Sandy, the returning British governor of Bengal. Despite its initially unpleasant odour, it eventually gained widespread popularity.

Dippin' Dots In 1988, microbiologist Curt Jones was researching a way to feed cows more efficiently with liquid nitrogen. While experimenting, he replaced the cow feed with an ice cream base, and thus were born Dippin' Dots, those delightful frozen ice cream beads.

Chocolate Chip Cookies Ruth Wakefield, in Massachusetts, once ran out of baker's chocolate, so she chopped up a bar of semi-sweet chocolate and mixed it into the cookie dough. To her surprise, the chocolate did not fully melt, resulting in the first batch of chocolate chip cookies.

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