Rain alert: IMD predicts heavy to very heavy rainfall in several states

Published by: CNBC-TV18.com

Indian monsoons primarily affect India and its surrounding water bodies. It blows from the northeast during cooler months and reverses direction to blow from the southwest during the warmest months of the year.

This year, the formation of severe cyclone Biparjoy in the Arabian Sea delayed the onset of monsoon and restricted its progress to just a third of the country so far.

Check out the effects of Monsoon season in India this year: 

India has so far has  received 33% lower rainfall in June than normal, although in some states the deficit is as high as 95%.

India has a 23% deficiency, with Bihar and Jharkhand among the driest states in the country as of now. Bihar has received just 22% of its normal rainfall, while Jharkhand has got 36%.

Kerala is in a bad situation for Rainfall this year as it has received only 36% rainfall till now. Maharashtra has received just 30%.

Heavy rainfall has caused a flood-like situation in many places over the past couple of days. Flash floods have hit Himachal Pradesh's Mandi district, with many people stranded and several vehicles damaged.

After the initial delay, monsoon has arrived in most parts of the country but in  some places, like  the northwestern states, a few days ahead of schedule. But it has not been bringing consistent amount of rainfall, especially in the southern states.

Good rainfall over the remaining days of the month could bring the current 23% deficit closer to the predicted value. 

Large states like Maharashtra or Bihar have seen very little rainfall till now, means the overall monsoon situation at the end of the month could still be worrisome.

Other parts of the country are also expected to continue getting some rainfall till the end of this month.

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