Beauty hacks

Keep an ice pack handy for perfect make-up

Moneycontrol News | March 8, 2024 | Images: Canva

If you wake up with a "baggage" problem under your eyes, use ice rollers. They combat puffiness and help sooth inflammation around the eye area

After workout, your skin reveals physical exertion or increased blood flow. Apply ice pack which will help reduce redness and make your skin look healthier

An ice massage session will make your skin look fresh. These massages not only remove the fatigue from your skin but also lend a refreshed  appearance

Ice is good at product absorption.  After you've put on your serums or moisturisers, apply ice. It's good for dryness fine lines, or uneven texture

For those dealing with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, applying ice, with utmost care, can effectively fight itching and calm irritated skin

Research suggests that cold therapy  on the forehead is a safe and effective way to reduce wrinkles without using other treatments